Welcome to Pack11ty!
Pack11ty is an heavily opinionated Eleventy template project created by Nicolas Hoizey.
Feel free to use it, enhance it, and share your ideas/comments with issues, or (even better) pull requests!
If you want to try it and you're in a hurry, try one of these quick options to run Pack11ty for free:
Deploy to Netlify Deploy to Vercel Deploy to StackBlitz
There are multiple options for installation/deployment.
Key features
Permalink to heading Key featuresA plugin
Permalink to heading A pluginThe Pack11ty plugin (eleventy-plugin-pack11ty
) provides many features out of the box, which you can enjoy on any Eleventy project:
- Collections built automatically from root folders, with pagination for yearly and monthly archives
- Navigation configuration
- JavaScript and Sass/CSS assets optimized for performance
- inline critical JavaScript and CSS
- external and asynchronous additional JavaScript and CSS, with hashes for cache busting
- JavaScript, CSS and HTML built separately
- Dev mode with live reload
- Responsive images built from simple Markdown and presets
- Enhanced Markdown thanks to an extensive set of Markdown-it plugins for better contribution: footnotes, attributes, headings anchors, abbreviations, containers
- A set of Eleventy filters and shortcodes are provided, including an enhanced
- A simple and responsible way to share YouTube videos
A template repository
Permalink to heading A template repositoryAdditionnaly, the Pack11ty template repository (pack11ty
) helps starting a new project from scratch with even more nice features:
- Responsive Layout without any Media Query, thanks to CSS Flexible Box Layout (Flexbox) and layouts from Every Layout
- A default configuration for responsive images
- PWA for performance, installation and offline support
- Service Worker with pre-caching of UI assets, auto caching of visited pages and offline fallback
- Manifest for PWA installation
- Indieweb
- Support for receiving Webmentions
- Atom feed for all collections combined
- More default containers:
- Etc.
Would you like to know more?
Permalink to heading Would you like to know more?Read the full documentation!
Do you have different needs?
Permalink to heading Do you have different needs?No problem, there are many other Eleventy starters available.