
Every sub-folder in the collections/ folder automaticaly becomes a collection.

Any layout property set directly in a content's Front Matter will not be overriden by the global ones here after.

If the content comes from one of the collections and a layout exists with the same name as the collection, it is used. The pages layout is used as a fallback.

Examples if there are news and notes layouts:

source layout
pages/ pages
pages/ pages
pages/about/ pages
pages/about/ pages
collections/news/ news
collections/news/ news
collections/news/2020/04/first-article/ news
collections/notes/2020/0001/ notes

Any permalink property set directly in a content's Front Matter will not be overriden by the default one here after:

source permalink index.html about/index.html ⚠︎
about/ about/index.html ⚠︎
about/ about/index.html ⚠︎
about/ about/other/index.html
articles/2020/04/first-article/ articles/2020/04/first-article/index.html

As you can see, you can't have both / and either /about/ or /about/ in sources with Eleventy default permalink behavior, as they would try to create the same HTML file.